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Code Violation Search
This search displays violations entered on or after May 7, 2007. Older violations may exist on some properties.
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Case #:
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Violation Code:
(A) Discarding or depositing, or causing to be d
24 Hour Tow - Parking for Certain Purposes Prohibi
3Citywide Dumpster enclosure requirements.All user
7 feet of space must be maintained between lower e
A (6) Documented proof of existing or unprevent
A copy of the permit/drawing must be maintained on
A new Certificate of Use Permit must also be obtai
A property owner may apply for a renewal beginning
Abandoned Refrigerators - Unlawful to abandon with
Abandoned Sign
Access through alleys and right-of-ways used for s
Accessory Use Regulations. Vending machines shall
Addition or conversion performed without a permit
All dogs, while on the street or public property,
All dumpster enclosures shall be maintained in goo
All dumpsters shall be maintained in working order
All dumpsters shall be maintained in working order
All dumpsters shall be maintained in working order
All dumpsters/garbage container for liquid waste o
All enclosures shall be placed on poured concrete
All enclosures shall be placed on poured concrete
All enclosures shall have service access gates and
All fences, walls, bushes or hedges shall not exce
All fences, walls, bushes, hedges, and any other l
All furniture and objects associated with sidewalk
All furniture, objects associated with sidewalk ca
All garbage receptables shall be kept clean and od
All garbage receptacles shall be kept clean and od
All generated light from lightpoles must be contai
All multi-family units shall be responsible to imp
All new and existing commercial establishments sha
All new and existing commercial establishments sha
All new and existing multi-family unit owners, lan
All new and existing multi-family unit owners, lan
All persons desiring to construct a boat dock faci
All persons desiring to utilize any space or facil
All residents, occupants, or owners of premises in
All signs shall be maintained in good condition an
Alterations or obstructions to storm water managem
American National Standards Institute - Hatracking
American National Standards Institute - Landscape
American National Standards Institute A-300 - Tree
An application for modification of a vacation rent
An owner of real property and/or property represen
Animals must be kept in a clean, safe and healthy
Animals must have sanitary/humane conditions, suff
Animals must have shelter that provides protection
Animals must not be left unattended for more than
Animals must not be left unattended in any motor v
Animals/pets to be kept in sanitary manner.
Any dog weighing 20 pounds or less that is outdoor
Any motor vehicle driven, parked, or stopped on th
Any nonresidential establishment from which amplif
Any person owning or leasing any private property
Any vehicle towed from private property within the
Application for License, Payment of License Tax Re
Application for Local Business Tax Receipt, Paymen
Approved enclosures shall be maintained in good co
At all times other than overnight, the maximum occ
Awnings - Setbacks (all districts).
Barbed Wire Prohibited
Barking Dogs
Board up requested by Code.
Bowling Alleys, Arcades, and Indoor Amusement Faci
Building abandoned, unguarded, open to elements.
Building Sewers and Connections; Maintenance By Ow
Building/Construction Material
Bulk waste; Over six cubic yards will not be picke
Buses and taxicabs - Taxi not at Taxi Stand
Business Tax Receipt Application; posting of Busin
Businesses/Services Permitted to Operate.
Cargo container, Modular building, and Trailer reg
Central air and/or ductwork installed without perm
Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition, rep
Certificate of Use Required
Certificate of Use Required
City Declared to be Bird Sanctuary
Citywide Dumpster enclosure requirements.
Citywide Dumpster enclosure requirements.
Citywide Dumpster enclosure requirements.1
Citywide Dumpster enclosure requirements.50.02 (B)
Citywide Dumpster enclosure requirements.All users
Closures for Failure to Comply with Applicable Gui
Closures for Failure to Comply with Applicable Gui
Collection of commingled material, vacant lot or p
Collection of commingled material, vacant lot or p
Collection of Commingled Waste & Recyclables
Collection of Commingled Waste & Recyclables - Com
Collection of Commingled Waste & Recyclables -Hedg
Collection of Commingled Waste & Recyclables. All
Collection of Commingled Waste and Recyclables - C
Collection of commingled waste and recyclables - C
Collection of Commingled Waste&Recyclable. All al
Collection of Commingled Waste&Recyclable. All al
Collection of Garbage, Recycling, and Rubbish by P
Collection schedule - Improper placement of commin
Collection schedule for commingled material
Collection schedule violation for commingled mater
Collection Schedule Violation for commingled mater
Collection Schedule Violation for commingled mater
Collection Schedule Violation for commingled mater
Collection Schedule; Bulk and yard waste shall be
Commercial and Wholesaling Uses
Commercial District - Illegal Boat Repairs
Commercial Districts; Window sign
Commercial Districts; Window sign. Signs may not c
Commercial vehicle parking, construction equipment
Commercial Vehicle Parking, Type A
Commercial Vehicle Parking, Type B
Commercial Vending Device
Commingled material improperly place on swale.
Commingled waste in excess of 4 cubic yards prohib
Commingled waste in excess of 4 cubic yards. Envir
Community Redevelopment District - Commercial Land
Conditions for issuance of permit - Tree Removal P
Conditions or restrictions of Certificate of Use.
Conducting work in the public rights-of-way withou
Connection to City water required
Connection to public sewer system required, when a
Construction has been suspended
Construction on boat docks in North or South Lakes
Construction sites shall maintain best building pr
Construction. When construction activities pursuan
Corner setback area (all zones).
Damage by fire or natural catastrophe must be repa
Damage due to negligence or abuse.
Dangerous Dog Ordinance
Dead/dying trees, limbs.
Destroying Public/Private Property
Detailing/washing of vehicles not allowed unless i
Development Review Board shall review requests for
Display of Governmental Flags - Display American F
Display of merchandise
Display of merchandise or business use not within
Dixie Highway High Intensity Mixed-Use District Us
Dog Fecal matter on Public & Private Property; Rem
Dogs Running at Large
Dogs running at large
Driveways;Aprons shall be surfaced with a hard, du
Driveways;Aprons. Shall be surfaced with a hard, d
Dumpster and enclosure must be maintained free of
Dumpster enclosure 12 inches greater than the high
Dumpster Enclosure Requirement
Dumpster Enclosure to be kept in good state of rep
Dumpster enclosure/Bldg permit.
Dumpster enclosures gate construction shall be of
Dumpster enclosures to be kept in a good state of
Dumpster enclosures to be kept in good state of re
Dumpster lids not closed at all times
Dumpster lids not closed at all times
Dumpster lids not closed at all times is prohibite
Dumpster lids shall be kept closed at all times ex
Dumpster Lids to be closed
Dumpster lids to be kept closed.
Dumpster Positioning
Dumpster Prohibited on ROW
Dumpster Requirements
Dumpster requirements - Special Magistrate
Dumpster requirements--special magistrate.
Dumpsters and the area around the dumpster and dum
Dumpsters shall be kept free of overflowing refuse
Dumpsters shall be kept free of overflowing refuse
Dumpsters shall be kept free of overflowing refuse
Dumpsters shall be kept free of overflowing refuse
Dumpsters shall be kept free of overflowing refuse
Dumpsters shall be kept free of overflowing refuse
Dumpsters shall be kept free of overflowing refuse
Dumpsters to be kept in a good state of repair
Dumpsters which are two cubic yards or less in siz
Duty as to repair and maintenance of sidewalk and
Duty of owner as to repairs and maintenance of sid
Each vacation rental shall have a minimum gross fl
Electrical A/C hookup performed without a permit
Electrical service changed without a permit
Electrical sign hook-up installed without a permit
Electrical wiring and accessories to be kept in go
Electrical work performaed without a permit
Electrical work performed without a permit
Enclosure Requirements - Pool Fencing
Enclosure Requirements -Safety Hazard - Pool
Failure of owner of private lift station to enter
Failure of owner/tenant to provide required garbag
Failure of owner/tenant to provide required garbag
Failure of property which does not abut North Lake
Failure to attach building drain(s) to a public sa
Failure to close or secure dumpster enclosure gate
Failure to comply with requirements for boat dock
Failure to maintain dumpster enclosure in good sta
Failure to maintain dumpster enclosure in good sta
Failure to maintain dumpster enclosure in good sta
Failure to maintain dumpster enclosure in good sta
Failure to maintain dumpster gates in a closed/sec
Failure to maintain dumpster gates in a closed/sec
Failure to maintain dumpster gates in a closed/sec
Failure to obtain a license from the Director of F
Failure to obtain Certificate of Appropriateness
Failure to obtain permission from the City of Holl
Failure to provide approved dumpster enclosure
Failure to provide approved dumpster enclosure
Failure to provide dumpter enclosure 12 inches gre
Failure to provide off-street parking
Failure to register vacant/abandoned property with
Failure to renew Local Business Tax Receipt is pro
Failure to submit a Shopping Cart Retrieval Plan t
Feeding of ducks, birds and pigeons so as to creat
Fence Construction
Fence installed without a permit
Fences, Bushes or Hedges - Hedges/Wall/Fence Setba
Fences, bushes, hedge height requirement in corner
Fixtures having transparent or translucent coverin
Fixtures shall be repositioned so that the point s
Fixtures shall be repositioned so that the point s
Food truck regulations: A mobile food dispensing v
Garbage receptacles required; Overflowing dumpster
Garbage receptacles required; Overflowing dumpster
Garbage receptacles required; Overflowing receptac
Garbage receptacles required; The owner and/or occ
Garbage receptacles; Weight
Garbage Removal Required
Garbage Storage Air/Soil Impure
Garbage Storage Air/Soil Impure
Garbage/Recycle/Bulk Missed
Gas piping and appliances installed without a perm
Graffiti - Obscene
Graffiti - Standard
Graffiti contains words, phrases, or drawings deem
Graffiti on structures, accessory structures, wall
Graffiti placed on structures, accessory structure
Groundcover/plantsmay not be close than 3 feet to
Handicap Parking Spaces
High grass/weeds in excess of 8 inches is prohibit
High grass/weeds in excess of 8 inches is prohibit
Holes, breaks, obstructions,animal feces,excavatio
Home-Based Business
Hotels, Motels, and Commercial Lodging Establishme
House Numbers
House Numbers: Residential
Hurricane shutters installed without a permit
IM Industrial and Manufacturing Districts.
Improper placement of commingled material
Improper placement of commingled material on swale
Improper placement of commingled material with all
Improper pruning/hatracking of palms
Improper pruning/hatracking of trees
Improper Sign
Improper Signage
Improper Tree on Swale
Improvement permit required for all land improveme
In areas having service alleys, all commingled was
Inadequarte or malfunctioning sanitary or waste di
Inadequate Collection Service
Inadequate Collection Service. It shall be unlawf
Inadequate Collection Service. It shall be unlawf
Inadequate/malfunctioning sanitary or waste facili
Inadequate/malfunctioning sanitary or waste facili
Indecent Exposure - No Alcohol with nudity
Industrial and Manufacturing district open air sto
Industrial Landscape Buffers: New construction, al
Inspection of a vacation rental shall be required
Inspection procedures shall conform, in general, w
Installation, maintenance by abutting property own
Installed pool heater without permit
Installing curb cut and driveway exceeding 30% of
Interior lighting. Tinted Glass or film shall be
Interior/Exterior alterations without obtaining a
Invasive species, as defined by Florida's Pest Co
Invoice Statement
It is unlawful to park any vehicle on any street,
It shall be unlawful for any person keeping an ani
It shall be unlawful for any person keeping an ani
It shall be unlawful for any person keeping an ani
It shall be unlawful for any person keeping an ani
It shall be unlawful for any person keeping an ani
It shall be unlawful for any person or business to
It shall be unlawful for any person or firm to eng
It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon or
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any
It shall be unlawful for any person to leave an an
It shall be unlawful for any person to place commi
It shall be unlawful for any person to place commi
It shall be unlawful for any person to place mater
It shall be unlawful for any person to possess, of
It shall be unlawful for the owner, tenant of any
Keeping of fowl or poultry in City limits prohibit
Keeping of Poultry and Fowl within City prohibited
Landscape buffer
Lawn sprinklers installed without a permit
Liability insurance for cafe table permit is requi
License Application; posting of license required -
Lighting shall be arranged and designed to prevent
Lights illuminating buildings or associated ground
Limitations of construction
Litter receceptacle required-single family residen
Litter receptacle reqired-single family residence
Litter receptacle required for single family resid
Litter Receptacles Required
Litter receptacles required - Special Magistrate
Litter receptacles required--more than 2 units and
Litter receptacles required--single family or dupl
Litter, Littering Material - Debris placed on Publ
Location and Placement of Payphones - Payphone wit
Location of meter must be accessible for reading.
Location of meter must be accessible.
Low voltage wiring installed without a permit
Maintain dumpster enclosure in a good state of rep
Marine structures: All districts. seaward side yar
Material breach of the terms and conditions of any
Material in excess of 4 cubic yards
Material in excess of four cubic yards
Maximum of one shed allowed per property
Mechanical work performed without permit
Minimum Property Standards Group - Commercial
Minimum Property Standards Group For CRA
Minimum Property Standards Group For Residential
Minimum Required Building Setback
Miscellaneous Junk
More than 4 bedrooms at any vacation rental proper
Multi Family District
Multiple family/Commercial dumpster.
New construction or improvements; required plantin
No land in residential district may be used for op
No landscaping shall be located closer than 3 ft.
No person shall cut down, destroy, remove, relocat
No person shall make, continue or cause to be made
No person shall place, maintain, or display any un
No person shall plant or cause to be planted anywh
No person shall tether an animal to a stationary o
Non-compliance with MINIMUM STANDARDS for the hous
Number, Duration & Removal
OBSCENE graffiti placed on structures, accesory st
Obscene/lewd graffiti
Occupants and visitors shall park motor vehicles o
Occupied structures must have windows free of boar
Offensive Littering
Offices on the ground floor that are located adjac
On nonresidential property between the hours of 10
On nonresidential property between the hours of 7:
On nonresidential property between the hours of 7:
On residential property between the hours of 10:00
On residential property between the hours of 10:00
On residential property between the hours of 7:00
Only four garage sales are permitted per calender
Only two garage sales are permitted per calender y
Operation of an adult entertainment establishment
Operation of an adult entertainment establishment
Outdoor retail sales shall be surrounded by an app
Outdoor storage must be in conjunction with main p
Outdoor storage of illegal materials in Zoning Dis
Outside storage of commingled material or debris i
Owner is responsible for actions of dogs and liabl
Owner responsible for extermination of rodents,ver
Palm Trees Infected or Susceptible to infection fr
Parking areas including aisles and drivewaysshall
Parking in non-marked space - Pavement Striping
Parking Lot Development General Provisions
Parking, Standing on Sidewalks or Swale Areas - Si
Payphone License & Permit Req.
Pens, Coops and other enclosures
Permanent Restrictions on Lawns and Landscaping Ir
Permanently remove or disable any fixture that can
Permit - Portable Storage Unit
Permit require for clothing donation bins.
Permit Required
Permit required for residential/business security
Permit required for sidewalk café
Permit required to destroy or remove; exemptions -
Permit required to excavate and fill
Permit Required; Exceptions
Permits for excavations.
Placement and storage of receptable;Location
Placement and storage of receptacles.
Placement Garbage Receptacles
Placement Garbage Receptacles - Prohibited days/ho
Placement of an illegal non-conforming sign on pub
Placement of bulk/yard waste prior to your adverti
Placement of Dumpsters (Location/Signage)
Placement of dumpsters and enclosures shall be pla
Placement of dumpsters and enclosures shall be pla
Placement of garbage on swale that did not origina
Placement of garbage on swale that did not origina
Placement of garbage receptacle sooner than 5:00
Placement of garbage receptacle - Commercial
Placement of garbage receptacle - Commercial
Placement of garbage receptacle - prohibited days/
Placement of garbage receptacles
Placement of unacceptable materials in waste conta
Placement of unacceptable materials in waste conta
Plumbing fixtures installed without a permit
Plumbing work without a permit
Pool and spa equipment installed without a permit
Premises with signs prohibiting uninvited solicita
Private Property Parking Lots; Restrictions
Private Wastewater Systems - Private Sewer Mainten
Private Wastewater Systems - Septic Tank Maintenan
Professional tree trimmers, lawn maintenance compa
Professional tree trimmers, lawn maintenance compa
Prohibited Sign
Prohibited Unpaved Parking
Prohibitions - Yard Waste in street or drains
Prohibitions - Yard Waste in street or drains
Prohibitions - Yard Waste in street or drains
Prohibitions on temporary signs - See Notice of Vi
Prohibitions: It shall be unlawful for any person
Prohibitions; It shall be unlawful for any person
Prohibitions; It shall be unlawful for any person
Prohibitions; It shall be unlawful for the owner,
Proof of rabies vaccination is required
Proper connection to approved and properly functio
Proper placement./Alleys.In areas having service a
Proper placement/Swales. In areas not having serv
Proper Sign Permit
Properties subject to this section shall be mainta
Properties that abut the Beach or face the Beach w
Property remains in violation for 45 days after pr
Protection of Trees
Provide protection when the outdoor temperature fa
Psychic help uses are prohibited in a C-2 zoning d
Psychic help uses are prohibited in CCC-1 zoning d
Public Works Order
Purpose and Uses.This district is intended to prov
Receptacle storage requirements - Commercial
Receptacle storage requirements - Residential
Recreational and Special Purpose Vehicles- No more
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recreational and Special-Purpose Vehicles - Parkin
Recycling bins stored on right of way prohibited
Regional Activity Center, Downtown and Beach Commu
Regulations pertaining to the tethering of animals
Rental of a unit which is in noncompliance with va
Repair of fence, shed or accessory structure requi
Repairs and Installations - Florida Building Code
Replace fixtures having exposed light source with
Reporting Dog bites to HPD
Required minimum setback for residentially zoned p
Required Service.
Required Service.
Requirements for establishments that dispense disp
Requirements for space; The maximum number of occu
Requirements, Duties, Prohibitions, and Standards
Requirements, Duties, Prohibitions, and Standards
Reroof performed without a permit
Residential receptacle storage requirements
Responsibilities of Occupants - Prevent animals fr
Restrictions - Improper Use of RV for Habitat
Restrictions and Regulations concerning vehicle si
Retail Establishments must post signage.
Right-of-way obstruction
Rules for Conducting Garage Sales, Sale of New Mer
Sale from a motor vehicle, mobile canteen or mobil
Sales of Food from Mobile Units - Mobile Canteen
Sandwich or sidewalk signs except as provided for
Sanitary Requirements - Pool Maintenance
Sanitary Requirements - Pool Maintenance
Sanitary requirements- Pool Maintenance
Scavenging prohibited. Once material is placed in
Scavenging prohibited. Once material is placed in
Scavenging. Once material is placed in the bin an
Schedule of Sign Regs. (Table 2)
See violation for specifics.
Separate and safe pedestrian walkways shall be pro
Shed Regulations
Shelter for dogs, cats and small domestic animals
Shelter for dogs, cats and small domestic animals
Shelter for dogs, cats and small domestic animals
Shipping containers/cargo containers stored on pri
Shipping containers/cargo containers stored on pro
Shopping Cart Regulations
Sign installed without a permit
Sign Maintenance
Signage Requirements for Retail and Restaurant Est
Signs for garage sale do not conform with Zoning r
Signs located on public property without a permit
Single Family District
Single Family District - Auto Repair Prohibited
Single Family District - General Zoning Restrictio
Slaughterhouses, and such businesses shall be proh
SM Multiple family/Commercial dumpster.
snipe sign removal
Sources of infestation.
Special pick up procedures; Collection of bulky an
Special pick up procedures; Collection of bulky an
Special pick up procedures; Collection of bulky an
Special pick up procedures; Collection of bulky an
Standards and Criteria for Application review - Si
Standards for painting and color of exterior surfa
Standards for the Painting and Color of Exterior S
Standby generator installed without a permit
State Road 7 Multiple Family Residential Districts
Storage Abandoned Property in Open Prohibited
Storage of dumpster on the public right of way is
Storage of dumpster on the public right of way is
Storm water Management - Non-Storm water Discharge
Structural work performed without a permit
Temporary Signs
test 1
Tethering of animals must be within guidelines
TEXTILE RECYCLING PROGRAM. Franchise agreement re
The building is partially destroyed.
The City adopts standards contained in the Florida
The copy of all signs is limited to the name of th
The copy of any legal non-conforming sign may be c
The interior, if visible at street level, and exte
The interior, if visible at street level, and exte
The maintaining of slaughterhouses within the city
The owner of any land subject to this article, sha
The owner shall be responsible for the maintenance
The placement of signs in the public right of way
The sidewalk area covered by the permit shall be m
The sidewalk area covered by the permit shall be p
The temporary installation and occupation of such
The temporary use of semi-trailers for storage or
The violation of any provision of a Site Plan, or
This violation notice is due for failure to comply
This violation notice is due for failure to comply
Tidal Flood Barrier/Seawall. All property owners m
Traditional light bulbs shall be replaced with Low
Trailers and Containers
Trees having over six feet of clear trunk with lim
Turtle Lighting Ordinance Violation - excessive in
Unacceptable material in recycling bin.
Unacceptable material in recycling bin.
Unacceptable material in recycling bin.
Unacceptable material in recycling bin.
Unacceptable material in recycling bin. Unacceptab
Unacceptable material. Any bulk/yard waste not mee
Unacceptable material. Any commingled waste contam
Unacceptable materials for commigled
Unacceptable waste will not be collected by the ga
Unlawful continuance. Any person who shall continu
unlawful to throw circulars, dodgers, handbills, o
unlawful to throw circulars, dodgers, handbills, o
Unless in a public right-of-way for purposes of co
Unreasonably loud, unnecessary noise prohibited
Unsafe structure as outlined in the F.B.C. Broward
Unsafe Structures and Equipment.
Unsafe Structures and Equipment.
Unsafe Structures and Equipment.
US 441/SR 7 Commercial Corridor District - Violati
Use of Public Ways for private business - Right of
Utility shed installed without a permit
Vacation Rental License required.
Vacation Rental License required.
Vacation Rental License required. Only vacation re
Vehicle Parking Restrictions (Covers)
Vehicle Parking Restrictions (Lawn)
Vehicle Parking Restrictions (Moveable)
Vehicle Parking Restrictions (Owner or Occupant)
Vehicle Parking Restrictions (Storage)
Vehicle Parking Restrictions (Tags)
Ventilation system installed without permit
View triangle area adjacent to access ways.
Violation of Approved Design
Violation of Approved Site Plans.
Violation of certificate of use
Violation of commingled collection schedule
Violation of commingled schedule
Violation of conditions for Sidewalk Cafe Permit
Violation of dumpster enclosure requirements-See N
Violation of general zoning regulations
Violation of general zoning regulations. See viola
Violation of Grace Period; 15 min Required
Violation of real estate sign restrictions - see N
Violation of sanitary requirements for swimming po
Violation of standards pertaining to location and
Violation of Zoning Articles concerning the permit
Violation of Zoning Regulations regarding off-stre
Violation of Zoning regulations regarding off-stre
Waste Material Causing Dust or Odors - Rubbish Rem
Waste Material Causing Fire Hazards - Illegal Dump
Waste Materials Causing Fire Hazards - Accumulatio
Water heater installed without a permit
Weeds & Grass, vacant lot
Weeds and Grass
Weight of garbage receptacle and contents not to e
Weight of garbage receptacle and contents not to e
Wells installed without a permit
Window or door replacement without a permit
Work without permit prohibited
Yard waste; Over four cubic yards will not be pick
CRA District:
Code Compliance
Violation Search